How It Works

✔  You are buying an ad that will be displayed on our website until the end of 2025!

✔  You can buy as many blocks as you want!

✔  You can promote your business, services, or share a meaningful message, provided that you live or have a business in Sarasota/Manatee County.

✔  Any political, religious, or sexual content is strictly prohibited.

✔  The earlier you buy an ad the longer it will be displayed!

✔  The earlier you buy an ad the more possibilities you will have (more options of locations on our billboard).

✔  You have to decide at the beginning on the displayed image and link! It will be hard to change it later. You can always send us an email at, and we will do our best to change it but we can't guarantee it.

✔  We don’t sell or don’t use your personal information in any other way that to service the payment/reply to your message.

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